Finally, this book is ready for release on November 11 as an eBook and on November 16 as hard copy (paperback).
Turns out writing these are the easy part. Publishing is a bit harder. Marketing is the worst! Mostly because I'm just not good at it and it's not much fun. That said, selling a book is part of publishing a book and making a new career for oneself. 101 WAYS TO DIE WITH A HORSE OR LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER is a safety guide for all people who share their lives in any manner with horses. I wrote it because as an instructor, I could never find a book to recommend to my students that wasn't boring as sitting through a lecture on the growth rate of bacteria (unless you like that sort of thing) or that wasn't so outdated and obscure that no sense could be made from it before falling asleep. As an instructor, I incorporate these tips in each and every lesson, so basically, this book is just needed by students and instructors alike. So, here it is. Finally! You can see in the photo above how beautifully done the illustrations by Jennipher Cunningham are and how they perfectly match the Death Tips. Most of the material covered is not your usual, "Wear boots and keep your heels down" fodder (though those things are included). Along with safety tips, I include the Why--the reasoning behind the lesson, not only the lesson itself. I think when we understand Why something should be done, it's simple to remember How something should be done. So, I made it clear and fun and pretty and easy to read and enjoy. I hope this book ends up in every barn, home and bathroom of every horse lover in the world. I hope you enjoy it and please, "Friend" me on Facebook here Tanya Author Buck; I look forward to chatting with you. If you'd like a signed copy delivered to you, contact me on my Facebook page and we will make that happen. Thank you for sharing and helping keep horses and humans safe! Happy Trails! ~Tanya
AuthorTanya Buck Archives
January 2022